Privacy policy



OpenChat uses the most advanced security technology available today and end-to-end encryption (E2EE) to provide Internet messaging and calling services to users in Vietnam (“Service”). Your calls and messages are always end-to-end encrypted, so they can't be shared or viewed by anyone other than you and the people you interact with.


Account information:

You use the phone number when creating a OpenChat account. The phone number used allows you to connect with others or vice versa on OpenChat. You have the option to add other information to your account, such as Name, Nickname and Avatar. This information is encrypted end-to-end.


OpenChat cannot decrypt or access the content of your messages or calls. Messages are encrypted on your device before being sent, and decrypted on the recipient's device. Your message history is stored in encrypted form on BeloChat's servers and is only used for synchronization between your multiple devices using OpenChat.

Additional technical information is stored on our servers, including randomly generated OTPs, push tokens, and other documents needed to set up calls and send messages. OpenChat will only use this technical information to the minimum extent necessary for application operation.


OpenChat can recognize which contacts in your contacts are registered users of the service. Information from your contact is transmitted to the server to determine whether the contact has previously registered an account, via a cryptographic hash function and a secure hypertext transfer protocol.

User support:

We provide user support during the use of OpenChat application through email, support page. We only support issues related to common errors, usage experience, and receiving error reports.

Manage your information:

You can manage your personal information in OpenChat Settings. For example, you can update your name, nickname, or avatar, or choose to enable additional security features like PIN, Fingerprint, Face Unlock, etc.

Manage your data:

You must manage Security Keys, Backup Keys or Session Keys yourself. It is encrypted data so no one including us can help you recover it. If you lose it, rest assured you can still reset them at will but you cannot recover previously encrypted messages.


Third parties:

We work with third parties to provide account authentication services via OTP. These providers are bound by their Privacy and Policy to protect the information you submit. If you use other third-party services such as YouTube, SoundCloud, Tenor, etc. on our apps, their Terms and Privacy Policy will apply when you use those services.

Other situations where OpenChat may need to share your data:

- To detect, prevent or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues.

- To protect against harm to the rights, property or privacy of OpenChat and our users as required or permitted by Vietnamese law.


We will update this privacy policy as necessary to make it current, accurate and as clear as possible. By using our Services, you accept our updated Privacy Policy.